Best Walmart Bicycles For Women

woman on bike

Day by day, regardless of the different models of cars that pop up and upgrade every day more women, especially those in the urban area have fallen back to using bicycles. Not only does it help them beat traffic, but it’s also a form of exercise for women as every day they think of more … Read more

10 Best Walmart Bicycles For Men

man on walmart bicycle

The Walmart brand for years has been dedicated to giving men that feeling of rush and adrenaline that they say is comparable only to the feeling of finally kissing your crush, that’s why they say some men love their bicycles over women. Some men no longer use their Walmart bicycles just for fun, but also … Read more

A Guide To Cycling Etiquette: Rules Of The Road

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The number of cyclists in larger cities is growing steadily. You’re likely to ride alongside a lot of cyclists these days, especially during rush hour. Therefore, you must follow the rules of good cycling etiquette.  Conflicts between cyclists and motorists have existed since the beginning of human history. While many of these “misunderstandings” can have … Read more