What Are The Longest Cycle Routes In The World?

There are numerous long-distance bicycle routes that cover thousands of kilometers and give bikers the chance to discover other places and civilizations. Although, long bike trips might be a little overwhelming for many riders. These are multi-day excursions that need a lot of preparation and time. 

But it’s an excellent approach to unlocking your cycling potential and finding the finest routes. They enable you to experience new things both on and off the bike and to widen your horizons.

The following are some of the longest cycle routes globally:

1. The TransAmerica Trail (United States):

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Image credit: The Ranger station

One of the most famous and difficult long-distance cycling routes in the world is the TransAmerica Trail. The route travels 6,800 kilometers (4,200 miles) across the United States, from Virginia’s Atlantic coast to Oregon’s Pacific coast. On this route, cyclists will travel through a broad range of scenery, from Oregon’s wild coastline to the Rocky Mountains’ towering peaks, and from the Great Plains’ undulating hills to the East Coast’s historic towns and cities.

The TransAmerica Trail is not for the timid, but for those who are up for the challenge, it offers an amazing trip that will put their stamina, ability, and willpower to the test.

2. EuroVelo 6 (Europe):

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Image credit: www.interreg-danube.eu

Over 90,000 kilometers (55,923 miles) of long-distance cycling routes make up the EuroVelo network, which spans all of Europe. 

One of the busiest and most beautiful routes in the network, EuroVelo 6 travels 3,653 kilometers (2,270 miles) from the French Atlantic coast to Romania’s Black Sea. Along the journey, the route travels through ten nations, including France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Romania, and it follows the Loire, Rhine, and Danube rivers.

The rolling hills of the French countryside, the majestic Alps, and the untamed beauty of the Danube Delta are just a few of the diverse settings that cyclists on EuroVelo 6 will come across. The Loire Valley’s castles, the wine districts of Burgundy and Alsace, the medieval city of Regensburg, and the Iron Gates Gorge are just a few of the picturesque towns and cities, historical attractions, and cultural hubs they will pass through.

3. The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route (United States and Canada):

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Image credit: Adventure Cycling association.

One of the world’s toughest and most beautiful off-road cycling routes is the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. The route, which travels 4,418 kilometers (2,745 miles) through the Rocky Mountains, begins in Banff, Alberta, Canada, and ends in New Mexico, near the US-Mexico border.

On the lengthy parts of the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, cyclists will have to fend for themselves while carrying all of their supplies, including food and water. The difficulties of off-road cycling, such as muddy conditions and river crossings, must also be anticipated.

4. The Munda Biddi Trail (Australia):

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Image credit: Ride on

One of the world’s longest uninterrupted off-road bicycle routes, the Munda Biddi Trail in Western Australia stretches over 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) from Mundaring to Albany. For cyclists and nature lovers alike, this trail is a must-visit location because it displays the area’s breathtaking forests, hills, and wildlife.

The trail is broken into eight sections, each with a distinct topography and set of difficulties. Depending on their fitness level and time limits, cyclists can opt to finish the entire trail or simply one or two portions.

To make the journey as comfortable as possible, the Munda Biddi Trail is well-maintained and provides a variety of amenities. Along the walk, there are huts and campsites, as well as water storage tanks and restrooms.

5. The Silk Route (Asia and Europe):

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Image credit: ResearchGate

The Silk Route is an intriguing tour that spans several nations and covers a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers (6,214 miles), and it was inspired by the historical Silk Road. The route offers a rare chance to discover many cultures and landscapes as it passes through China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, and several European nations.

The Silk Path is a well-known path that was created over time to offer travelers a secure and pleasurable journey. The route offers a mixture of designated roads, motorways, and picturesque paths, and it is signed and well-maintained.

Long-distance travelers on the Silk Route will need to be ready to deal with issues including exhaustion, thirst, and cultural differences. In addition, they must be ready for the many weather conditions that may be present throughout the route, such as intense heat, cold, and wind.

6. The North Sea Cycle Route (Europe):

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Image credit: Durham

The North Sea Cycle Route is a special cycling route that forms a loop around the North Sea and traverses eight nations: Scotland, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. It is around 6,000 kilometers (3,728 miles) long. This itinerary is an exceptional chance to discover the breathtaking coastline landscape, quaint towns, and cultural landmarks of these nations.

On the North Sea Cycle Route, cyclists will pass through a variety of landscapes, including rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, undulating hills, and charming fishing communities. They will also have the chance to see attractive coastal towns like Bruges, Bergen, and Stavanger as well as storied cities like Edinburgh, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen.


How far can an unfit person cycle?

Generally, an unfit person can cycle a few kilometers or miles on flat terrain before feeling tired or out of breath. However, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the distance and intensity of the ride to avoid injury and fatigue. It’s also essential to stay hydrated and listen to your body to avoid overexertion.

Can we cycle 20 km a day?

Yes, cycling 20 km a day is definitely achievable for most people with a moderate fitness level. 

Can you run and cycle on the same day?

Yes, it’s possible to run and cycle on the same day, but it’s important to plan your activities carefully to avoid overexertion and injury. 


There are many more routes that accommodate various preferences and interests; these are simply a few of the longest cycle routes in the globe. It’s important to do appropriate research and planning before starting any long-distance cycling trip, taking into account things like terrain, climate, accommodations, and safety. Happy cycling!

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